
China FRP Square Tube

1: Winding angle, 45°~65° (winding angle can be adjusted according to different requirements to achieve better mechanical properties);

2: Fiber content (weight ratio), 70% to 75%;

3: Density, 2.00g/cm3;

4: Water absorption, less than 0.03%;

5: Axial thermal expansion coefficient, 1.8E-05 1/K;

6: Glass transition temperature, 110~120℃;

7: Chemical resistance Mineral oil: excellent;

8: Solvent and dilute acid: excellent;

9: Tensile elastic modulus, axial 14000 MPa;

10: Tensile strength: 280 MPa in the axial direction; 600 MPa in the circumferential direction;

11: Shear strength: 150 MPa;

12: Bending strength: axial 350 MPa;

13: Compressive strength: axial 240 MPa;

14: Relative dielectric constant 2-3.2;

15: Dielectric loss factor 0.003-0.015;

16: Partial discharge ≤5;

17: Dielectric strength: axial 3~6kv/mm; radial 10~12kv/mm;

18: Lightning shock: 110KV;

19: Power frequency shock: 50KV;

20: Heat resistance class: B, F, H;

21: inner diameter > 5mm; outer diameter < 300mm; length < 2000mm.

The above data is only for reference, the casing parameters we produce are customized for each customer's needs!

Contact available at : 

Jacky Shen - Sales manager 


  • Description

Product Name: Chinese FRP Square Tube

Product Introduction: The Chinese FRP square tube is a square-shaped pipe manufactured using fiberglass reinforced plastic. This type of pipe is suitable for the transmission of corrosive liquids and provides protection for water, electricity, and electrical pipelines. It offers excellent performance characteristics such as high strength and corrosion resistance.

Key Features: Our product boasts numerous features. Firstly, it is lightweight, making the installation process extremely convenient. Additionally, it exhibits high strength, ensuring exceptional stability during usage and the ability to withstand significant external pressure. Furthermore, it demonstrates remarkable corrosion resistance and has an extended service life.

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