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Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

We are committed to safeguarding the security of your privacy. This principle would be the top guide of what we strive to achieve. 


The information we collected 

We only gather information about you through the use of enquiry and registration and when you purchase any of our products, including the information of your orders (like names, shipping addresses, phone numbers, email address, etc.) and account (such as custom account and affiliate account). 


Information that you provide 

When you sign up for a free account at glass fiber tube Site, you need to provide your personal information, such as name, address, email address, an account password, etc. We may combine the information you provide under your account to offer you a better experience and to improve the quality of our service. 


User communications 

When you send emails or other communications to glass fiber tube Site, we’ll keep the communications for the sake of processing your inquiry, responding to your request and offering better service to you. 


The way we use information 

We only use the information to process your enquiry and order, complete your purchase and improve the quality of our service. 

We may send email to you to provide you with the updated information about our products and services we offer if you want to receive. 


Sharing information 

We respect the privacy of your information and will never share our customers’ personal information with any third part. 


Non-identifying information 

We collect all the information about visits to our website, such as where the visitors come from, what kind of computer and browser they use, what they did during the visit. But we do not and can not gather the identifying information about them.

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