
The Importance and Factors Impacting High Voltage Bushing Capacitance

Editor:Zhejiang Hetai New Material Co. LTD │ Time:2023-06-27 

High voltage bushings are essential components in power transmission and distribution systems, connecting transformers, switchgear, or cables. They must be able to withstand high voltage currents and have excellent insulation properties. One important parameter for bushings is the capacitance value, which will be detailed below.

What is Bushing Capacitance?

Bushing capacitance refers to the capacitance of a high voltage bushing. It is an important parameter for measuring the insulation performance of the bushing. The capacitance value can be determined by adding the bushing to a circuit with a known frequency and measuring the amount of capacitance required in the circuit. Bushing capacitance is usually measured in picofarads (pF).

Why is Bushing Capacitance Important?

Bushing capacitance is critical for the performance and reliability of high voltage bushings. The capacitance value is dependent on factors such as the size, shape, insulation material, and surrounding environment of the bushing. A larger capacitance value indicates better insulation performance for the bushing, even at the same current and voltage level. Therefore, when designing and selecting high voltage bushings, it is necessary to consider the capacitance value.

Bushing capacitance also plays an important role in the operation and maintenance of power systems. As it reflects the insulation performance of the bushing, capacitance value can be used to detect leakage or other faults in bushings. Regular measurements of bushing capacitance can help identify problems and perform timely repairs or replacements.

Factors Affecting Bushing Capacitance

The capacitance value of a bushing is affected by many factors, some of which include:

1. Size and shape of the bushing: The capacitance value of a bushing is related to its geometric shape and size. Generally, longer and thinner bushings have higher capacitance values.

2. Insulation material: Different types of insulation materials have different capacitance values. Typically, insulation materials with higher dielectric constants will result in higher capacitance values for the bushing at a given thickness.

3. Ambient temperature: The ambient temperature can also affect the capacitance value of a bushing. In general, the capacitance value of a bushing will increase in high-temperature environments.


Bushing capacitance is an essential parameter for measuring the insulation performance of high voltage bushings. A larger capacitance value indicates better insulation performance for the bushing. Factors affecting bushing capacitance include size and shape of the bushing, insulation material, and ambient temperature. Regular measurements of bushing capacitance help detect problems and perform timely repairs or replacements to ensure the safe and reliable operation of power systems.

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