
The main characteristics of glass fiber tube

Editor:浙江和泰新材料股份有限公司 │ Time:2019-11-19 

1. Good corrosion resistance. As the main raw material of FRP is composed of unsaturated polyester resin and glass fiber with high polymer content, it can effectively resist the corrosion of acid, alkali, salt and other media and untreated domestic sewage, corrosive soil, chemical wastewater and many chemical liquids. Erosion, under normal circumstances, can maintain safe operation for a long time.

2. Good aging resistance and heat resistance. The glass fiber tube can be used for a long time in the temperature range of -40 ° C to 70 ° C. The specially formulated high temperature resistant resin can also work normally at temperatures above 200 ° C.

3. Good frost resistance. Below minus 20 ° C, freeze cracking will not occur after freezing inside the tube.

4. Light weight and high strength. The relative density is between 1.5 and 2.0, only 1/4 to 1/5 of carbon steel, but the tensile strength is close to or even exceeds that of carbon steel, and the specific strength can be compared with high-grade alloy steel. Therefore, it has excellent results in aviation, rockets, spacecraft, high-pressure vessels, and other products that need to reduce their weight.

5. Good designability. A variety of structural products can be flexibly designed to meet the requirements of use, which can make the product have a good integrity.

6. Good abrasion resistance. Put a lot of water containing mud and sand into the pipe to carry out a comparative test of the effects of rotary abrasion. After 3 million rotations, the wear depth of the inner wall of the test tube is as follows: 0.53mm for tar and enamel-coated steel tubes, 0.52mm for epoxy-coated and tar-coated steel tubes, and glass-hardened steel tubes It is 0.21mm. Therefore, FRP has good wear resistance.

7, good electrical insulation. Glass fiber reinforced plastic is a non-conductor. The electrical insulation of the pipeline is excellent. The insulation resistance is 1012-1015Ω.cm. It is most suitable for power transmission. The heat transfer coefficient of glass fiber reinforced plastic is very small, only 0.23. Five-thirds, the pipe has excellent insulation performance.

8. Small friction resistance, high conveying capacity. The inner wall of the glass steel pipe is very smooth, and the roughness and friction are very small. Roughness coefficient is 0.0084, n value of concrete pipe is 0.014, and cast iron pipe is 0.013

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